2010年11月17日 星期三


Why have you come?Go away.The living don't belong here.Don't you understand how painful it is.When your body is not under your control any more.And your powerless and sad mind remains...Don't take this sin upon your soul.A fly!I can feel it.Each one of us has an invisible cycle around them and we cannot venture beyond it for even a single moment.Forgetting this limit.Trying to break it with your mind.You don't know what guardians you have awakened.What forces directed against yourselves.Crossing the cycle you lose everything that exists within its borders.And there is no way back.I am ruining you forever,Why?Because now your place is with me.~~~Dni.Zatmeniya<1988>

人生不如意事 十之八九 要好好溫柔對待自己 鑽牛角尖只是白費力氣 每天深呼吸 感恩身體健康就是一件幸福的事!!練體位法也好 潛水也很好 騎腳踏車 爬山 走路 從體內到大自然 就是要感受活力!