2010年4月8日 星期四

Harmonized the sixth senses

The burden of action is forgotten in the pleasant charm of the art. The feet keeping to time, hands expressing gesture, the eye following the hand, the ear listening to the master’s music and the dancer’s own singing - by harmonizing these five elements the mind achieves concentration and attains clarity in the very richness of participation. The inner feeling of the dancer is the sixth sense, which harmonizes these five mental and mechanical elements to create the experience and enjoyment of beauty. It is the spark, which gives the dancer her sense of spiritual freedom in the midst of the constraints and discipline of the dance.

6 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

最近好嗎? 那個上報的人是你嗎? 上報耶.. 要把報紙留起來喔^^

Matrix Chiou 提到...

You are a famous girl now. XD

Pengyoga 瑜珈心 提到...

阿汪 一定要幸福喔!

Matrix 謝謝你 好久沒有你的消息 你的部落格進展也太慢了吧!!

Unknown 提到...




Unknown 提到...

老師, 阿汪=wanda 你知嗎? 學生犯懶都沒去上課了. 那日自己在家做了兩個拜日式.隔天就全身酸痛哩...>"<

Pengyoga 瑜珈心 提到...

阿汪 我年底要回印度練習 妳考慮一下吧!!妳是很有慧根的小豆苗 別偷懶喲!!