2011年4月16日 星期六

Asatoma Ma Sadgamaya~

asato ma sadgamaya tamaso ma jyotirgamaya mrtyorma amrtam gamaya

Lead me from the asat to the sat.
Lead me from darkness to light.
Lead me from death to immortality.

(Brhadaranyaka Upanishad — I.iii.28)

asato ma sadgamaya:
"Lead me from the asat to the sat."
Truth, existence and reality are one and the same.
The sandcastle is always washed away by the tide,but consciousness ever was.

tamaso ma jyotirgamaya:
"Lead me from darkness to light."
The only remedy for darkness is light, the only remedy for ignorance is knowledge.
The knowledge, the true nature.

mrtyorma amrtam gamaya:
"Lead me from death to immortality."
I am not the limited body, mind and intellect, but am, was and always will be that eternal blissful consciousness.

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