2008年12月6日 星期六

parivrtta Janu 坐姿扭轉單腳前彎

刺激脊椎血液循環 舒緩背部疼痛 兩側腹斜肌伸展 讓人精力提升

stimulate the blood circulation to the spine and relieves backaches,abdominal muscles are contracted,they are streached on both side,a very invigorating pose.

2 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

Dear pretty classmate: I come here to visit u la! Your content is very rich, r u still in TW? Cherry!

Pengyoga 瑜珈心 提到...

Hello,丁綺!How are you?I am in India right now with my husband and study CLassical dance yoga again...How's the class in TW And our teacher?best wish.